Inorite, so very weird and icky for female biology to work as intended and bear children and stuff. Ew ew ew. Very anti-woman to find **that thing that only women can do** admirable in the slightest.
Tell me again how “empowering” feminism is, when they screech like banshees at the very idea of a woman being lauded for doing distinctly female things, but clap like seals when a woman (even in some minor inconsequential way) manages to mimic a man.
Who is worshipping men, here? Who is de-valuing the female?

Who is making men the goal, the standard, the only thing of value or to be applauded in the whole wide world?

Feminists have men on such a pedestal. It’s ridiculous.
I like men, but they ain’t ALL THAT. 😂
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