Okay, so she just admitted these children are restavek.


Someone tell Q this is an example of real human trafficking?

https://globalinitiative.net/analysis/ht_crises/ https://twitter.com/HowardMortman/status/1315633288673886213
Even with a legal, US adoption.

It is still trafficking if the child’s family of origin parents were deceived about what would happen to their child.
It’s trafficking if the orphanage or foster family was paid for the child.
It’s trafficking if there’s a fixer involved.
300,000 Haitian children are considered restavek.
Haiti is a small country. Only about 10 million people.
That estimate doesn’t include children placed in adoptions.

Adoption deprives children of their culture and context.
I use that language specifically.
Legal doesn’t mean kind or loving or ethical. It doesn’t mean fair. It doesn’t mean in the best interest of a child.
Many acts are perfectly legal and perfectly abusive — depriving a child of access to medicine (antivax, JWs, Christian Science) for example.
I’m certain the Barrett’s adoptions were perfectly legal by American rules.
I’m certain they’d claim ignorance & blame the agency if any illicit payments or influence came to light. They might even be telling the truth.
But other countries know our adoption industry is abusive.
But... 10 percent of Haiti’s children are in a condition that the UN calls slavery.
20,000 children were adopted into the US after the 2010 earthquake. Most have families in Haiti.
The average international adoption costs $25K-$40K.
Which mostly stays with US based agencies.
The median household income in Haiti is $1100 a year.
If US adopters truly CARED about the children and their people, they’d know that the direct donation of even half of the lowest price of an adoption would be transformative, and would keep families intact.
But they don’t care about the children.
They care about the symbol these children represent.
They use their black and brown children as a “get out of racism jail free” card.
They bask in praise from their religious communities, because they’ve shown such charity.
And for the most part? The people who engage in this type of performative adoption often don’t even know how abusive they are. They don’t consider ripping a child from their context to be anything but mercy & generosity.
They can’t comprehend they’re causing harm.
They’re completely unaware that they treat their adopted children differently. Often they expect more perfect obedience, compliance, and gratitude and punish more harshly.
Usually, at best, they’re completely incapable of helping their child navigate US racism.
There’s a reason almost every nation on the planet has forbidden the international adoption of their children. (US adopters were the vast majority.) It was to protect those children from us.

It may be legal by our laws. That doesn’t make it even remotely right.
This thread brought to you in memory of 3 of my great-grandparents, who all spent time in orphanages as children.
Two were on orphan trains. They were “adopted” as unpaid labor in the same town, and fled together at 21 & 22.
The third because her mom couldn’t feed her.
PS: Haiti’s poverty now is a direct result of the country being forced to pay the French slave state 150M francs for their own freedom. (Literal force - the French blockaded the island with gunships.)
Haiti paid for their liberation from 1825 to 1947.
150M francs = $21 billion
US federal debt when A Hamilton became the 1st Treasury Secretary (see: Cabinet Battle #1): $21 million 1790 US

1790 $21 million = ~ $400,000,000 (400 million) in 2020 USD.

The French have never once admitted they were wrong to demand this, nor its exorbitant interest rate.
It’s not merely about adoption.
This context MATTERS.
This is colonialism.
YES, what happened 200 years ago matters because it meant today’s children were born to parents & grandparents who have been deprived of their national treasure for 122 years.
No money, no infrastructure.
No infrastructure, no development.
No development means graft and vulnerability to despots and dictators.
Haitians are a miracle. Still here despite *everything*.

The US served as France’s leg-breakers to enforce the payment of the debt.
We’re culpable.
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