Q:- Can sex be a social service in a post revolutionary community.

A:- If sex workers say yes then yes.

Seriously, fuck off with the moralist flatulence and the reframing of religious residue. The sheer hostility towards fellow workers this Q has brought about it shameful.

Sex work is honest labour and despite what Mr.Righteous may think about the women he's jacking it too on PornHub, sex workers are human beings, and their work valid.

If sex workers want to open a mutual aid strip club / brothel / camboi service then that is up to them alone. 2/
The root of this comes from the fact that reactionaries think that

1> Sex work is inherently forced upon women
2> Sex work is inherently immoral
3> Sex work is inherently rooted in a problematic power dynamic.
4> Sex work inherently fosters misogyny

These are, aside from the moralistic twaddle, problems with sex work under capitalism.

The appalling abuse of sex workers comes about almost entirely because fellow workers do not see their occupation as valid and thus they have near zero labour organising and profiteers 4/
continue to traffick people and coerce young people (of legal age and otherwise) into abusive positions.

These are very real concerns yes, however you cannot project them upon sex workers would chose their occupation and act with conscious intent, esp not post rev. 5/
This comparison is like demonising Welsh miners becuase of the horrifics of the diamond industry where children are enslaved and brutalised.

Let go of your narrow assumptions and support your fellow workers.

The road towards a change in our social dynamic so that 6/
clients no longer see workers as "pieces of meat" to be used for their own purpose will no don't be as difficult as changing the attitude of the Industrial wealthy in the 1800's. It starts with workers acknowledging other workers and fighting bigotry and informal "castes". 7/
So if you are a Anarchist or Socialist who holds sex worker exclusionary attitudes you need to give your head a wobble, your moomins ain't all in the valley. You need to readdress your assumptions and listen to comrade sex workers about the future they see for their industry. 8/
They are telling you they want their ind led by workers and that it should be decriminalised. based upon self determination, solidarity and co-operation.
Orgs such as @SexWorkHive @SWAIIreland @ProstitutesColl do fantastic stuff and you should place your support behind them. 9/9
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