Some thoughts on learning martial arts. 🧵
You've first got to decide why you want to learn it. Usual reasons -
1. Sports - medals, accolades, tournaments, certificates - ideal for kids
2. Exercise and social contact - Useful but this purpose is served by most gyms.
3. Combat competence - Requires a different kind of training and is pretty hard to find these days in my experience
4. Spiritual/inner meanings - Not really sure but martial arts tend to have this angle because of the physicality involved.
Once you pick this, you've got to find a good instructor. There are lots of people going around teaching stuff. The current incentive system (school classes, sports quota etc.) has created a different breed of teacher who can do 1 somewhat and none of the others.
If you find a good instructor, hold on to him no matter what style he teaches. Consistent training under a good trainer far outweighs any advantages that a style can offer you. Remember, martial artists win/lose. Martial arts don't.
A huge library of techniques which you're mediocre in is not really going to help. So, lots of Kata well performed without any Bunkai will help in competitions and looks good but dunno about how much muscle memory that will develop.
Physical conditioning using cardio and strength training is very important and just as neglected in many centres.
I'll probably add to this thread as things occur to me. As @KARATEbyJesse says (and you should follow him), train hard, good luck, and have fun.
You can follow @noufalibrahim.
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