Dear premier @jkenney

Here I am, Thanksgiving day 2020, working on updating my lesson notes to improve my instruction.
My wife and I are watching our daughter sleep on the monitor at home, instead of spending the day with family, because of the risk of Covid-19.
I check Twitter only to find that you, the premier of Alberta. The man who promised to take care of all Albertans, and work with us to get through the rough times, are attacking teachers, based on nothing but conservative make believe. Undercutting public education. 2/
The bedrock of democracy.
I'm confused and in disappointed in this. Your divisive rhetoric and slander isn't welcome or appropriate.
As a taxpayer and fully active member of the ATA I believe you owe teachers (actually all Albertans) a sincere apology.
In your brief (but far too long) stint thus far as premier, you've stopped all forward motion socially and economically, and turned teachers, doctors, and now nurses into the enemy.
Honestly, what kind of leader berates and belittles doctors and nurses during a pandemic??
I truly hope those that voted for you and your cronies are ashamed. But more so, I hope they're mad. Mad enough to ask their neoconservative MLA to show some character and leave your joke of a party.
Mr. @jkenney I hope you're embarrassed for what you've done to my province.
My province. Not yours. I grew up here. I went to school here. I'm raising a family here.
It's time for the @Alberta_UCP to go. Forever.
You're an embarrassment of a premier.
You can follow @BradHenke2.
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