Wait. A Pinkerton agent killed a right-wing protester in an event that was, initially, blamed on anarchists.

It really is the 20s now, huh?
I'm not sure what the correct way to deal with this cycle is. I know a LOT of journalists who are legitimately concerned for their own safety right now. They get verbal and mail and telephone threats. You can buy t-shirts that celebrate murdering us.
But I also worry about the ways we can end up escalating situations in an attempt to protect ourselves. This murder feels like a tragedy that didn't have to happen. How do you thread that needle?
I spent last weekend learning how to punch, just to have at least one basic self-defense move for myself. And I was worried going in about, like, "How do you know when to punch and when to just keep de-escalating." Turns out, the mechanics of punching kind of solve that ...
It sounds silly to say I didn't realize how close you have to be to somebody to punch them, but I didn't really realize how close you have to be to somebody to punch them. If someone gets up threatening you close enough to punch, it's probably time to punch.
This is a very rambly thread, because I don't have fully formed thoughts on this. Except to say that I understand why reporters want some kind of security. But how do we do that and also make sure we aren't the ones aggressing?
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