able!st things that have been normalised in this fandom, a thread for neurotypical stays
“what’s 5kz worst song and why is it <blank>” countless and endless times again we have told you this is upsetting for nd stays who hyperfixate or have a special interest, some of these are our comfort songs it’s really upsetting
tweeting “fuck 5kz”: this one hurts the most because most of the time this gets tweeted people don’t use tone indicators so your neurodivergent mutuals may not pick up on your tone and think you’re serious
not using tone indicators!! it’s not gonna ruin your jokes to add /j into the actual tweet and adding it to the replies actually defeats the purpose of tone indicators (unless you forget to add them in the original tweet)
calling st@ys “lazy” for not streaming: this word has been used against nd people for a long time and it’s hurt when we are trying to stream as much as we can. some of us can’t stream at all, it’s hard to focus or some of us have sensory issues
saying bad things about 5kz pets: again nd st@ys hyperfixate on some of the members and seeing any hate towards your special interest/hyperfixation can be distressing. keep those things between your friends to save someone from being stressed out please /srs
saying people are overreacting over these things: hyperfixations/special interests CAN NOT BE CONTROLLED, talking from my own experience when people say they hate a 5kz my heart drops to my stomach and i go into a state of shock. it’s extremely distressing
[continued] and hard to calm down from.
oh something else i have seen is st@ys purposely upsetting nd st@ys on purpose and laughing at them and that’s absolutely disgusting and shouldn’t happen
calling us “weak” for not being able to handle 5kz hate or hate towards their music: it’s something beyond our control and it just honestly makes us feel worse when we were already upset by the hate we saw towards our special interest/ hyperfixation
getting mad at people for not defending 5kz against hate: like i have said earlier seeing hate against our special interest/hyperfixation is very distressing so engaging with people who purposely dislike them would not be safe for us
“i💔💔💔miss💔💔💔ch@n💔💔💔” these tweets with emojis in between words can cause people with sensory issues to get headaches! they are also so hard to read because the emojis are so harsh and draw attention away from what you’re saying
another example of this is “why???arent???people???streaming???” i have been informed this is the same as with the emojis and causes people with sensory issues to get headaches
for the “why💔💔💔what💔💔💔when💔💔💔” and the “why???what???when???” tweets even besides being bad for people with sensory issues in general with anyone they can cause headaches and migraines!
i would like to add that im not trying to generalise every nd st@ys experience, i have seen a lot of nd st@ys talk about these things and people have ignored them when they would try to talk about it so i wanted to bring attention to it in one big thread /gen /srs
also all nd st@ys are effected differently! not everyone has gone through these things but overtime i have realised some of these come off very ableist
calling people “weird” for typing with double spaces: double spaces actually help a lot of people to read better and it can be a comfort thing too, so it can make others feel bad when you are making fun of something that helps a lot of people
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