People always ask me, "What is the secret sauce behind @MorningBrew's writing?"

Look no further than today's story on Virgin Orbit.

4 keys for a killer newsletter story 👇
1. Spend disproportional time on headline & image.

They are your reader’s first impression with the story & could make or break whether they keep reading.
2. Achieve high ROL (return on length)

Treat every word like it cost you something. In 161 words, @ElizaCarter34 provides the what, the how, and the why of the story with amazing efficiency.
3. Edutainment keeps attention.

Use tone as a tool in your toolkit. But don’t ever let it distract from clarity of the story.

Tone should make you want to read the next sentence, but not have you stumble over the current sentence.
4. Always tie it back to the reader.

Our readers are professionals, people, and investors. When possible, we tell our readers why they should give a shit about the story as one of these three personas.

In this case, we appeal to the profile of “reader as investor.”
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