I'm really hesitant on saying something publicly, but it's really uncomfortable to see Merrick talk about consent. When @herosnvrdie69 and I had to share a hotel with her in Louisville, she had sex in the bed next to us without once asking us for consent to be exposed to that.
This is going off of what I had to hear, i didnt look over. When it comes to nonconsensual sexual situations, I freeze up due trauma. I tried to do whatever I could to make it obvious I was awake - turning my screen brightness up, typing loud.
She knew that Erica and I have PTSD related to sexual trauma and didnt think once about asking us before exposing us to sex we didnt consent to. Erica was sleeping, but she was clearly tossing and turning and I was completely awake trying really hard to sleep after an action.
I tried really hard to give her a chance. But after seeing her lie about being a medic, refusing to take off her long nails to even learn how to treat patients/save lives, run directly into danger, then sexually harass us, I dont want to be associated with her whatsoever. Please.
And I know this isnt a huge deal, theres so much worse that someone could do and I'm not traumatized. She thought she was being "sneaky" but obviously that doesn't work. I just dont think we should be looking to her for consent discourse right now.
The literal last thing I want is drama and I may take this down. I've tried my absolute hardest to avoid this and not say anything because of that, and I hate with my whole heart even having to address this now. (Please dont send hate to her)
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