If anyone wonders wtf is wrong with me, this is my home town https://twitter.com/wilcre/status/1315634428857774080
The walls of reality are thin in the Maritimes. Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™ve shared a drink with a ghost. Either that or a hipster.
Let me tell you about Bedford, Nova Scotia.
Bedford is Riverdale. It is Riverdale, both figuratively and literally, as old Bedford is built around a river in a dale. It is every suburb from every sitcom, entirely organically. It has a 50s cafe that was built in the 40s!
Its has a scenic ā€œfounders settlementā€ it has a good mall and a dirt mall, it had a town movie theatre in the 90s, two rival elementary schools and one high school that was (according to those who went there) one ongoing Degrassi episode (in the 90s anyway Iā€™m 35 leave me alone)
It has its own music school, private special above all school for the richies, a yacht club, a public library, endless parks and greenery, a local theatre troupe that tries really hard you guys, and a record store. I dont mean Taz, I mean Select Sounds, an immortal RECORD store
Sackville, the next town over, was rougher, as every next town over often is in fiction, and Halifax, the regional capitol, was just 20 minutes drive away, a port city you can bike to if you were a really determined kid.
Thereā€™s a military ammunition depot just outside the town limits, and *a god damn royal building* on the other end
The place was like growing up in an American fiction, but with Canadian commercials. Cliche upon cliche can be stacked on the town I grew up in, honestly I could go on forever. Bedford: a surreal stopping place
A walked out the door of our sitcomy suburban house, across the street, down a short path, down through a swamp and along the rails to get to jr high. Twice a day, every season, because screw getting up early for the bus and its convoluted route.
There were wee streams that someone had long ago put 2x4s on to cross, in various states of repair, endangered flowers and unaggressive wildlife.
Like, this shit was ridiculous. I met Gordie Howe in a parking lot on a summer night, THE WALLS OF REALITY ARE THIN
The GAYEST place in town... is the United church. Technically, this is my church, not that we ever went to it much. Its had a pride flag up since the 90s, and they recent built a pride outdoor communal fire and bbq šŸ¤£. The halal market across the street is fantastic too
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