The reason Democrats are upset over ACB and all the judges McConnell has confirmed is because they believe the courts belong to them ever since they discovered they could use the judicial branch to impose an agenda they can't win through democratic processes.
There are lots of different charts about ideology and party identification. Very little consistency, so I don't want you to focus on the specific numbers, but on the fuzzy meaning of these following two charts (next tweet)
Democrats claim to be the majority based on Democrat candidates who get votes.
However, *conservatives* have the most support in the nation.
And while there are more registered Democrats than GOP, they do not have even *close* to a majority.
So when you see some idiot claim that the GOP is trying to impose an agenda despite being a minority, well, we have more ideological support. And any agenda they enact is also an agenda of a party that has less than 35% support.
You win elections and enact your agenda by winning over independents.

And low information voters.
Independents and moderates like to believe they are above partisanship, they like to believe they are open minded and evaluate every candidate, unlike the partisan Democrats or Republicans.
They think this because they get flattered every election cycle.
The thing is, tho, that "Low Information Voters" and "Moderate/Independent" are treated like the same thing by the parties.
And Democrats *own* the infotainment industry (News, Education, Entertainment), so they make sure the info the Low Info Moderates get skews Democrat.
To the point that Eason Jordan (CNN executive) said (I think) the news is worth 15 points of support to the Kerry campaign. It's difficult to find that quote, might not have been Eason Jordan. It was definitely a liberal Kinsleyan Gaffe, tho.
Would appreciate help finding it.
Same Sex Marriage was not legalized democratically.
It was imposed by the court in the first several states, and then a suit was brought to enforce reciprocity in all states.

I think after it was already a done deal, a few states passed it democratically for a formality.
Abortion, the same.
Remember this well:
Democrats have less than 30% support for their agenda.

Maybe less than 20% as they move left.

They win elections because they manipulate perception. They lie about their agenda. They discourage conservative turnout. They make themselves seem cool & default.
That's why they don't want the electoral college. That's why they want Senate seats by pop. That's why they want to pack the courts.

The system they want is a Dem-gerrymandered Congress that demagogues and rubberstamps a Dem POTUS, and a Leftist court that enacts their agenda.
They are angry because the Right got lucky. The Right got lucky because we got angry at the right time. We got lucky because Obama didn't fill all the seats he could have. Because Obama looked for reliable Socialist judges, and some of them were older.
So the Left is angry that the Right now has a power base that can obstruct and even dismantle their agenda for decades.
They are lived.
We took their secret weapon from them.
The good news is I think information is leaking out. The MSM and silicon valley are trying to hide information it doesn't want people know, but it's getting out anyway.

I really think the Right and the normies that hate Leftism are aware and pissed right now.

I expect turnout.
If we turnout like indications seem to be, we will swamp Democrats and their LIV allies and their fraudulent votes.

We are going to render void for a generation the traditional expectations and models for turnout and party ID.
Fox News was a good start.
It showed that you can make money by going against the MSM groupthink.
So Democrats targeted it, and it became Leftist, too.

We need more.
We need our own Long March Through the Institutions.

DeVos & Trump have started it in education.

We need a few conservative billionaires to start buying up magazines, newspapers, satellite radio stations, etc., and providing a competitive view of political goals and agendas.
We need a another Fox News, but not just one that can be demonized.

We need *competition*.
Meh. I've digressed.

The point is, Democrats may win an outright majority of votes, but there are reasons for it, like how California suppresses GOP votes with its Top Two system. And fraud.

Democrats do NOT have majority support across the nation.

Don't let them claim it.
Only about 30% fully support either Democrats or Republicans.
The rest are undecided, moderate, independent, and low info voters.
Don't let Dems claim them.
Don't let Dems claim they are a majority.
They don't even have majority support for the fake version of their agenda.
I think I'm done
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