This weekend I had the joy of participating in a district event. It was a wonderful time, and I enjoyed many edifying conversations.

However; there were also some unfortunate moments. In particular, the seemingly self-propelled opposition of our seminaries.
What I mean is this: I was asked which seminary I attend; after responding "St. Louis," my response was met with a distinct sigh of apparent relief. Knowing that reaction only all too well, I immediately followed my response by clarifying how incredibly difficult the decision was
to choose which Seminary.

After I remarked on the challenge of the decision, my response was instantly met with apprehension and dare I say, even suspicion!

I carefully explained that while 100% of the time I am very pleased to be at St. Louis, 50% I wish I was at Fort Wayne.
I don't see this as a negative; rather, I see this as a massive positive! I believe that things like this speak to the incredible quality and prestige that both seminaries possess. Each seminary has absolutely outstanding faculties, dedicated to the Scriptures and our Lutheran
Confessions. Both seminaries have rich histories. Both seminaries send out well equipped, knowledgeable, and ready to serve pastors and deaconesses.

I am weary of people pitting the seminaries against each other. Especially when we need each other so dearly.
Both seminaries excel at particular aspects of ministerial formation and academics. Both seminaries have been blessed with brilliant minds, loving pastors, and dedicated servants.

I am weary of expecting a seminarian to fit the false stereotypes of our seminaries.
If I were to have chosen a seminary based on stereotypes, I would have chosen Fort Wayne 100 times out of 100. I don't fit the "stereotype" of St. Louis; as is the case for nearly all students at both seminaries.

You see, I grew up in a Latin Mass Catholic Church.
Find me the most traditional or "high church" (if we want to use that diction) LCMS congregation, and I'll tell you that I would prefer even more.

All of this to say: I'm weary of outside-imposed hostilities between the seminaries. I'm weary of people being wary of Fort Wayne
or St. Louis students. I'm weary of being labeled and treated by stereotypical assumptions of the seminary I attend.

Both seminaries are led by phenomenal pastors. They both are blessed with magnificent faculties. And they both send out confessional and faithful church workers.
I am exceedingly blessed to have dear friends at both seminaries. I am thankful for the extraordinary knowledge, experience, and pastoral care by both faculties.

Let us not look at our brothers or sisters from either seminary with stereotypical suspicion.
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