Thread: Exactly 2 years ago today I stop drinking. Most folk in reality don't care, but it is a big deal for me and if my story helps anyone else then great!

Previously easily drinking over 100 units of alcohol a week I had a mental break down and was diagnosed with depression.
I knew if I was to carry on drinking the way I was I probably wouldn't my see 27th Birthday.

Luckily this time after many previous attempts I decided to stop drinking and give anti depressants a try.
After a rough start with major withdrawals from alcohol and the side effects of the anti-Ds I managed to come off the anti-Ds after just over a year.

Helped by the fact I met an amazing girl who I fell in love with and we are now engaged!
I strongly believe that had I still been drinking this wouldn't have happened as before drink always took precedence before relationships.

I can still socialise in pubs without drinking alcohol with my friends and they have been great in understanding that I don't want to drink.
You always get the odd prick "so you don't drink at all" and even the odd bar staff if you ask for an alcohol free beer "no but we have water". But I don't let it bother me as it is clear they are also having their own battle.
The moral of the story is, if you want to stop drinking you can (especially if I can do it). It will help your head out massively, as generally we all drink as a temporary cure from your own head, but it will soon catch up on you, as I found.
Before anyone can help you, you need to help yourself.

Before I decided to help myself I was quite happy in my own head to die before I was 30 if it meant I could drink all weekend. I had nothing else other than football.

Open your mind and seek help when you're ready.
My only issue now is that I'm addicted to kebabs 🤦‍♂️. Let the next battle commence.
Russell Anderson has helped me through this simply by being there along with my day counter. My hero.

Forever Aberdeen x
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