In spite of my busy schedule I'm gladly making time for Run with the Wind! I'm excited for this one since I've heard only good things.

Thoughts on this thread. Spoilers abound!
I've already watched most of episode 1 so this is just me refreshing my memory for a bit.

Safe bet these two are gonna be the best of friends???
Mostly curious what he's gonna contribute to the team. 😂
He just fed the dog and what, you thought he wasn't gonna hear you guys? In a house with thin walls??? 💔
I keep on pausing so I can answer work emails lol it's gonna take a looong while before I finish
OML hahahahahsjashk so he can be this energetic
He's the devil I love it hahahaha
But you're stick thin wtf?
The butterfly.... is faster than him.... I'm concerned
So I'm assuming she's going to be the manager but I'd be happy to stand corrected
I relate to this image on a spiritual level.
OMFSHKLDSL the way they got pumped up over a girl. /facepalm
I don't like your smug face but I'm reserving judgment.
Ugh I want to watch more but I have to prepare exams. Taking a break here, will continue later!
That's not good, Oji. 😭
I signed up for another one of those anime that will make your heart ache, haven't I?
Omfg Haiji
I'm convinced he's got everyone bugged and followed
What's your problem, you ronald mcdonald looking asshole
Just say you're in love with Kurahara and go
Oji spitting even in that ridiculous pose. 😭
How is he so relatable hahah this was me every PE class in highschool
I understand King's worries tbh, pretty ideals won't pay the bills. But... I feel like I can survive anyway if I have friends who'd have my back. Haiji isn't wrong either. :/
Same??? This show is so wholesome.
I have to get back to work. Will continue later! ✨
This made me smile. I like Fujioka.
Wait-- are they finally, officially, running?!!
Same, Musa.
Crushing hard on Haiji ngl. Kinda worried something bad will happen to him. I hope it's not that kind of show. 😭
Oh shi--
This is only the beginning for him. He's gonna get faster. Haiji knew this run wasn't only for the newbies, but for Kakeru to gain perspective. He needed him to experience how harsh reality can get, as well.
They're always hinting about Haiji's top form. I need to see it hnngg
Shedding a tear for this scene.
My heart aches for these two; they obviously have conflicting ideas on how it means to run, likely from their own painful experiences. Ugh. This anime is so good. 😔🤘

(And Haiji showing a bit more emotion than the usual...)
Don't... don't fcking do this to me alkfjsdg;sqw THANKS I HATE IT SOBS
Ouji's monologue comparing running together to reading manga together... I swear he has the best lines. I'm knee-deep in feels 😢
I want to run.
They're so precious ugh 😭
Should I keep watching or take a break here... I really want to know what happens next I'm worried about Haiji but I have an early start tomorrow. 🤔
I guess one more episode won't hurt
The perfect duo doesn't exi--
Excuse me, but I want what they have. Thanks.
A really good episode. Seeing Ouji improve at running and Kakeru's character development bring me immense joy. (When he slowed down to cheer Ouji on??? I love them sm.) I think this is a good time to pause for a bit. Let me bask in this warmth.

Will continue watching later. ✨
Shindo, you're strong. 😭
They are so precious and must be protected.
Oh, they're cheering... HAPPY CRIES
If there's one thing I've learned in all my watching anime is that this guy is likely not evil even though ominous sounds play when they show him lol
Aww they're all smiling
This is so hype hnnng go Aotake!

And the way they only need look at each other to understand? I swear their relationship as a team is one of if not the best I've seen in sports anime
I didn't even notice my hands are clamped together tightly in prayer this whole scene
brb crying
I know it's not all sunshine and rainbows so I'm preparing myself for the inevitable gut-wrench of an episode #/trustissues
Omfg that's Ouji's puke
He looks kind of soft here, huh. Nice look.
I would probably go on jogs if I live somewhere with this view....

Hahahaha who am I kidding, I already live in a scenic place and I'm still too lazy to do that.
I'm so sick of these Tokyo U wannabes especially Ronald Mcdonald ugh redemption arc when???
I understand that they're the other source of conflict though so they're necessary on a narrative standpoint. Some characters you just love to hate
Kakeru protection squad
I understand, ok? It's just he hasn't seen Kakeru's efforts to better himself. He only knows the old Kakeru. If they'd only talk it out.

He's still an immature jerkwad, though.

(This guy likes to run too... run his mouth that is.)
OOF Haiji's a savage and I love it.
Wait.... is this the guy he punched at the beginning of the episode? So he punched the coach... DESERVED
Same energy.
Filed under: anime confessions that aren't really confessions
Where do I find an Aotake? Sign me up.
Here we go again with the waterworks. 😭
Taking a break here because it's already 4 AM and I have classes in a few hours. Will continue later. ✨
Hahaha the utter disrespect, even the dog
Lmfao exemplary pieces of modern art. Where can I get one? Please tell me these are official RWTW merch
Getting water splashed on your face while running looks fun
The mountains of Hakone are?
Filed under: the most precious moments in anime history
Run with the Wind audience:
I live for minor characters getting those little scenes that hint at a depth that will go unexplored on-screen, bec they're not the focus of the story, but breathes life into them. We believe then that they feel and they exist and they grow into the best versions of themselves
Help why are they lining up and staring into the distance as if this is the final episode
"It's because we're viewing it together. I doubt we'd feel this way if we view it alone." Damn, I miss meeting up with friends
I believe in you, Ouji. Faito! 😭
I really like Musa. He's caring and insightful.
I'm fcking crying rn. Fck
Are we going to watch another episode even if it's almost 4? You betcha we will
I'm just kidding, as much as I hate it, I still need to sleep since I have work. </3

Will continue later. ✨
They've really grown to be good friends, haven't they? They can be honest with and depend on each other now.
I want Haiji to pep talk me into getting my shit together
Gosh, I'm so nervous for them.
I'm so nervous, my hands are also shaking!

(Hello? I want what they have. Can I???)

(Why did this remind me of L washing Light's feet? Brains are weird.)
Please let Aotake have this
Wow ok cliffhanger I hope Haiji's ok
Fckcfrickfrcck this is going to affect him later I JUST KNOW IT. I JUST KNOW IT. I JUST KNOW IT. PRAY FOR HAIJI
Go, Kakeru!!!
All I want is for someone to be proud of me the same way as Haiji is proud of Kakeru
Oh my dear lord I knew it. 😭
Wow , the music. You can really feel the sacrifices all of these athletes have made to qualify. It's inspiring.

I am so proud of Aotake!

(But Ouji, next time, don't swallow your puke.....)
Hahaha love how Yuki is so into this now
Don't talk to me. I'm crying. I'm sobbing. I'm a collection of tears pretending to be a human being
Alright, one more episode before I go to bed.
The twins are just about to waste all the time and effort they spent on practicing. I get how they're feeling, but wish they'd get their acts together soon and find some purpose other than "getting girls".

(Not competing because of the possibility of loss--sounds like me tho.)
Does this clown really have nothing better to do? It's already episode 17 and he's still running his potty mouth like a dumbass. Just move on already
Aotake's running is not about competing with others or trying to win. If anything it's probably about overcoming yourself. I can't wait for them to arrive at an answer.

We can't rely on the path that others have taken in their search for meaning; we must make our own.
Musa. 😭
I really hope Haiji is alright. My thoughts are running wild: what if he doesn't get to finish Hakone? Or worse, he gets to, but it'd be his last bec of the injury and he won't be able to run anymore for the rest of his life???

*stabs my angsty fanfic self*

Not ready for pain.
Don't actually answer that
I'll pause here. I need to sleep.

Will continue later! ✨
This guy's wisdom. He knows the score. 👍
A flashback! We're finally getting Haiji's story
That was such a short snippet, but it hit right in the feels... 😭
This is it: the moment of truth. Aaaahhhhh
Oh no, Shindo... I bet he's been holding the stress in. T_T That Ronald Mcdonald guy jinxed them uggghhh
Yes, you are. I'm so proud of you. Go, Ouji!
Why is Shindo raising death flags I can't even
I'm not even that much of a fan of sports anime/manga but I recognize these names and silhouettes (especially charas from the ones I watched/read: Hanamichi, Ippo, Hinata, Sena, and Ryoma). RWTW is aware of its genre and so is written as both a homage and a subversion to it. ❤️
You did so well, Ouji.

(Not me taking so many screenshots...)
Musa, my goodness. You truly are the ace.
When they include these monologues while they're running, still telling a story and adding depth to characters, it really drives home that they're not running to compete (in the traditional sense). It's almost meditative.
So, it was Jota!
I don't want to stop watching yet but at the rate I'm going I don't think I can make it to the last episode (it's past 3 AM). I'll watch the last 4 episodes later so I can pay more attention! I have a feeling it's going to be intense.

Can't wait!
Um because you always wear that necklace thing sksks
Aww, Shindo's family!
My heart aches for him. Please he's so sweet, give him this 😭
Literally me rn
It was an uphill battle but he pulled through. Despite being ill, he finished Section 5. 😭💔
I want Haiji to take care of me, every time I hear his voice I feel reassured.
Running on a downward slope is so scary.
Yuki's internal monologue is wrecking me. This kind of honesty from him is hitting so hard. 😭
Omg his family went to see him. UGH IT'S MAKING ME CRY AGAIN
KLShjds;fgidghsjglkd;h no words only pain
Go, Nico-chan-senpai!!!
Everyone's favorite is back
oh am I smelling depth from him? hooo
All I want is a rival like Fujioka is that so hard to ask
King is spitting relatable content
Every single one of their internal monologues hits hard and I'm living for it
I feel like Hakone is my dream too
If someone asks me to define love, I will send them these screenshots.
This is it! This is exactly it! I've been thinking about the philosophy behind Run with the Wind and I'm convinced it's a good anime to watch if you want to understand existentialism.
I'm simply mesmerized by Kakeru's running
This music is so hype
Run with the Wind
23 episodes is a weird number, wouldn't it normally be 24? Someone please tell me if I'm missing something
Think about it... a headpat, from Haiji...
So this isn't important but both Haiji and Ouji are literature majors. My course in college was literature too sksk
Whenever Haiji talks about Kakeru, I really feel like I am understanding love and longing a little better, no joke.
My heart is so full. 😭❤️
Haiji is on painkillers I'm so scared
Crying again
haha I had to pause for a bit since the tears are obscuring my vision hahaha what a clown
me rn
I'll be right back just gonna dwell in these feelings and sob for abit
"The wind is blowing and we defy it by running, believing the answer we seek lies ahead. [...] What is living? It's all beyond the wind. Hope resides within our hearts. Look, the road is right before your eyes. So we run again today. We'll run to the edges of the earth."
This anime was an incredible, uplifting experience. I wish I had the words to express how good it made me feel. Aotake's journey encapsulated a lot of things we go through; their story is universal. What does it mean to run? To be together with others? To find meaning? To live?
Also, sometimes, I hate myself.
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