The next time a Nat act nc fuck wit says they work hard or their followers are out working instead of (no fucking idea) I’m loosing my shit, I have worked hard all my life! I have only been unemployed for a total of 1 week between stop and start of a job, I support lab greensJFO
I have been a vol ambulance officer 13Y a vol Fire fighter 7Y, I have volunteered across community and done as much as I can to support others. I earn an income that is great but I support others that can’t. I pay plenty of tax and would be happy to pay more if we all got more...
I have seen the BS health service and mental health from the inside, the peeps are great the system is overloaded and unless you either are act. Dying or lie and say your dying nothing gets done
The next RW fwit is never going to change the fact we are low paid and pay BS taxes
Take your overtaxed BS and shove it up your arse, you don’t have a solution other than you don’t want to pay your share, your happy everything for free or low cost to you but if others need it you reel away in horror, your greed is showing
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