not sure why some people didn’t like Bly Manor considering the story telling and cinematography was actually much more brilliant this time around, that’s not to say Hill House didn’t have it but I found Bly Manor’s story telling to be more visually appealing w the details
I feel like people only look at the horror aspect of the show and not the whole thing altogether, pls guys come on look at the other aspects of the show it’s not all meant to terrify you. I mean hill house wasn’t terrifying for me personally but that’s probably cause I’m a horror
enthusiast and nothing scares me in particular. Bly manor’s narration, the different aspects of the show including dream hops and the constant back and forth between reality and dreams, not knowing who is a ghost and who is, the gorgeous transitions is actually brilliant
maybe I’m just taught to look at every single detail altogether because I’m a media sciences student but regardless I enjoyed Bly manor a lot and I think the show really lived up to its hype and delivered well
ALSO before I forget omg Kate Siegel as a fucking ghost and her entire narrative was just so poetic I’m honestly amazed by the writing this season it was just peak cinema wow I’m definitely revisiting this season just like I did w hill house
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