So, my roommate & I had a somewhat similar experience?

We both took the same religion class, and both kind of got stumped over the same thing, but came to very different conclusions.

She was Hindu & when she learned about the Noah’s Ark story she was kind of -

surprised because there is a similar story in Hinduism. Upon further reflection she decided to not practice anymore because there were too many similarities in different religions all claiming to be true

Of course I noticed the same thing between different religious traditions having very similar stories... I mean I had always known that similar patterns appear in several faiths & “spiritual practices” worldwide. This class did make me think more about why that might be -

I took this class the same semester I got baptized, so I just attributed it to other religions genuinely having pieces of the truth, but that doesn’t invalidate THE truth.

This thread isn’t going to end in any kind of epiphany I’m just thinking out loud 😭😭😭
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