I have come to hear many ipocs say that staying silent wont do anything. So. Lets take today to roast Christopher Columbus as much as possible and spread what ACTUALLY happened. I'll start a thread here. And pls rt ipocs voices!!!!
So who actually discovered America? It wasn't. Columbus. And many believe it was Amerigo Vespucci. Which is also believed to be wrong. Who might have actually is someone names Leif Erikson but its hard to tell.
But in actuality it was the vikings. Though many people don't count this because it wasn't something recorded or made into a map. And lets all just clarify that I'm talking about the first white person. We all know the Native Americans were the true first.
Also Columbus ran a sex slave buisness and sexualized NINE YEAR OLDS.
This man is a pedophile, a slave owner, and started a practical genocide on many Native Americans and if it wasnt him just out right killing them it was him working them to death.
This is why we need this day to be renamed for the indigenous people not after a literal murderer. Also pls rt this thread!!!!!
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