I’ve been thinking it over the past few days.

My favorite combination of substances was heroin, oxycodone, Seroquel, carisoprodol, alprazolam, and clonazepam.

This made me feel how I perceived “normal” to feel, like how everyone else felt.
This ALMOST entirely shut up the incessant chatter of the minds I struggled with most of my life.

My entire life changed when I began to introduce ancestral ketogenic diet, daily sunlight exposure, and multiple forms of magnesium with active glutamate management into my life.
What I thought was an Endorphin Deficiency, was actually GABA/glutamate imbalance driving that Endorphin deficiency.
There is zero need for substances for me with magnesium bicarbonate, magnesium chloride, magnesium glycinate, l-theanine, and myoinositol.

There is zero compulsion that crosses my mind anymore.
After ten years of severe poly substance addiction, it was nutrition that was my solace. All addicts are merely self medicating the suffering that is malnutrition.
It wasn’t that I wasn’t “normal”, I was self medicating the endless unexplainable suffering of malnutrition and genetic defects with harmful substances because I was never taught any better.
What I’m trying to say here is that there is hope after addiction and drug/medication usage. There is hope for a healthy and fulfilling life if you only redirect that energy you use to seek and use substances to a holistic approach on your health.

More on addiction here: https://twitter.com/grimhood/status/1295714927844315136
I ended up with early onset dementia after traumatic brain injury at only 21 years old. Please take your health seriously. Please. Nobody should have to experience that level of suffering and hopelessness.

Don’t ever think you’re invincible just because you’re young.
You can follow @Grimhood.
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