Admitting when you are wrong & sharing the experience helps others. It allows those of the wrong doing to grow & be humbled.

I realize having grandparents at 97 & 95yo, living independently is rare. Im thankful, yet selfish. I want them to live forever. They've lived amazing 1/6
lives. I could brag but it's not my goal.

I've never been so angry at myself for following the 'rules.'

I have no clue what's right, wrong, nor what science may say tomorrow.

Guess what? Neither do you.

As additional studies conclude, so will the recommendations. 2/6
I do know I may never see my sweet, wise, adventurous, stubborn grandfather again.

I get he's 97, I should be prepared. Well, I''m not.
I'm furious at myself.
Not scientists, not politicians, not media; me.

I made a choice based on what I thought was the best info. 3/7
I chose not to visit my grandparents out of an abundance of safety precautions.

My grandfather's health has been failing. Since last wk, dangerously so. Before now, he's remained sharp. Phone calls are near impossible-his hearing 👎🏻We do try. 4/7
Due to his condition he will be transferred to a nursing care facility, where we'll be unable to see, talk or be there for him.

I take full accountability. Sure there are recommendations, mandates, etc... I will not blame anyone but myself. It was a choice I made. 5/7
* This thread is abt learning from my mistake
* It's abt stopping your ill thoughts for others w/diff opinions.
* Restrain from being pulled into cancel culture.
* Take responsibility for your own actions
* Stop blaming politics, media, et al.
Be considerate, kind.
Go hug your loved ones. Make sure they know you love them. Don't wait for them to come to you.

Put down your phones. Logged out of this cess pool.

Remember what truly matters in life.

You can follow @JenSchweigert.
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