No more online content about autistic people that only focuses on their parents. Society has progressed past the need for online content about autistic people that only focuses on their parents.
Autism is such a cool and diverse thing, you could focus on literally anything about it but instead it’s always “wah look how bad these parents have it because their child is ~weird~”
And it’s always tragedy p*rn about an autistic person who’s lashing out, because their parents (who we’re supposed to be sympathetic to?? I guess??) have created a toxic abusive and/or neglectful environment
It’s not hard to parent an autistic kid. Different, certainly, but autism is not a curse on the “poor beleaguered families” lmfao. Much of my extended family has some form of autism and zero (0) of us look anything like those shock videos because my family... simply isnt abusive
I find it offensive and exploitative for media/video companies to post those kinds of shock videos (you know the kind, “adult autistic child DESTROYS home!” or “autistic kid has MELTDOWN at bathtime!”) like... what’s the point of these except to sow fear and stereotype ??
This thread wasnt thought out at all i just have a lot of feelings. Wheres my video about the history of autsim?? Wheres my video about autism in folklore? Give me a video about happy families with autistic members! THAT is my reality, not shock/sympathy clickbait
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