I totally agree with this take, however I would be inclined to defend the horror genre in particular in this case as the context of sex acts in most horror stories is very similar to that seen in old children's stories/fairy tales. Bad behaviors being rewarded with often... (1/4) https://twitter.com/ironagegael/status/1315455527812583424
... gruesome results. Sexually active teens in horror films are usually the first to get the axe, whereas traditionally the virgin/innocent character(s) survive. In fairy tales, kids who disobey their parents and wander off into the woods get gobbled up. Now I agree that... (2/4)
... our media is controlled by a hostile other, and their stories and creations should be viewed as such. However I would simply push back on the idea that all "degeneracy" is inherently vapid or otherwise purposeless. Evil can be used correctly to tell very good stories. (3/4)
Evil could be interchanged with "sin" here, but the point remains the same. Vile action is undoubtedly necessary to tell a compelling story, otherwise the good action is rendered colorless. Morality ought to be juxtaposed against immorality in any decent narrative conflict. (4/4)
(Redid this because I was so dissatisfied with my errors from the first time around. Sorry about that.)
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