Prof. He Jiankun at a Tsinghua conference this morning suggests China's updated NDC should contain a carbon intensity reduction target higher than 65% and a non fossil fuel target at 25%. (Original NDC is 60-65% and 20%).
He also said that his understanding of Xi's commitment to carbon neutrality includes all GHGs, not just CO2.
The Tsinghua report has four scenarios - current NDC, enhanced NDC, 2C, and 1.5C. Does this imply, and admitted by Tsinghua, that China's to-be-enhanced NDC is not 2/1.5C compatible?
If so, can we please make sure the actually enhanced NDC is close to the 2/1.5 scenario in the Tsinghua report? After all, what's point of an enhancement that can't, self-admittedly, even deliver 2C?
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