The Park Of The South, Season Two.

I continue to examine the contagion that gripped the American psyche.
I’d love to see Atom Eyogan’s “Not Without My Anus.” I think his unique plotting and Canadian gothic style would bring out the story’s subtler themes.
In all seriousness, I am greatly enjoying this sojourn into Canadian identity that is Not Without My Anus.

Mainly because none of the primary characters have appeared in this episode.
“Iran, Iraq, what’s the difference?” - Animated Saddam Hussein
Awww, they thought Iraq was a threat to global security that’s so adorable of them.
Apparently Parker & Stone got hate mail for this episode? Ridiculous. I’m loving this change of pace and this departure from formula.

This Is Canadian Content.
It’s cute that the show thinks I care who fathered the cart boy with the foul voice

I’m far more interested in how the smart cows are faring. The show abandoned the smart cow plot line and it is poorer for it.
Now that they’re back to the main plot cart boy’s mother is Trying To Expand Abortion Rights Because She Wants To Kill Her Child And This Is A Joke
“This would be an abortion in the 40th trimester.”
Parker & Stone’s true talent lies in story structure and pacing.

There’s a lesson here: beware good storytellers.
Oh. They revealed that Cartman’s mother has a penis and someone vomited. Wondered how long we’d get to good old fashioned transphobia.
Mr. Mackey saying “marriage-you-wanna”
Marathoning this show makes you realize how FAST everyone talks. Just a high syllable-per-minute rate.

It’s mildly unbearable.
I find myself looking forward to every second of silence in this show. Blessed half seconds of silence in between the constant staccato of endless libertarian syllabary.
I’m going to sleep now. Looking forward to eight solid hours free of Parker & Stone talking to themselves.
In this episode they’re making fun of Scholastic Book Clubs. Har.
No one will help. No one will learn. No one will care.

We are alone in our ignorance and impotence.

Such is the culture of the South Park.
The first appearance of “respect mah authoritah”

The plot where the cops are idiots and bullies aged extraordinarily well.
“What seems to be pissing you off today?”
“I’m not pissed off. I want to start a movement.”
“Of course you do.”

Wow. The show’s whole thesis laid out in under five seconds.
The dirty children are playing a Chinese team. The Chinese children all have buck teeth and eyes drawn as diagonal lines and broad, conical hats and this why I hate Americans
I would like to experience joy again.
It's difficult for me to watch this show and not think about the millions of kids who saw this and took the wrong lessons.

It's difficult to see it as merely a show.

But then again I have that problem with every piece of media.
We’re hopping around seasons now because doing episode by episode is bumming me out.

We’re watching an episode with Tweak. Tweak, along with Pip, seems like another character that’s just a warmup for Butters.
Parker and Stone have overestimated how funny their “Asian” accents are.

We just had a scene with a sumo wrestling teacher.
This next episode is a Pokémon parody?

South Park and Pokémon, two cultural titans of the late 90s that are still in the zeitgeist.
One of the “Chinpokomon” is just a shoe and considering that there are actual Pokémon who are just, like, ice cream cones that’s pretty funny.
“You see, Chinpokomon is just a fad and they come and go!”

Said of a franchise still going strong twenty years later
The Pokémon analogues are sending anti-American slogans to the kids and this has very Yellow Peril-y vibes.
The indoctrinated kids are speaking Japanese and when they speak Japanese they’re drawn with anime-style faces.
It’s cute that they’re accusing the foreign country of getting kids to buy endless merchandise as if American media companies didn’t invent that practice.
There’s are home schooled kids and Jodie thinks that I finally found representation on this show.

The home schooled kid is shocked that Cartman and Kyle are friends and I agree with him.
This home schooled child is me. This home schooled child sees these boy’s relentless cruelty towards each other... he’s so alone. So alone in this nation of cruel children. This child is me and I will protect him.
This episode is about getting money from the Tooth Fairy. Well-worn territory in children’s entertainment here.
Oh. Now it’s about finding out the Tooth Fairy isn’t real.

Oh now it’s about getting money from rich kid’s teeth.

Hm. The plotting does get interesting in later seasons. Hard to tell where an episode goes.
Kyle is spending this episode reading books and improving his mind while the other kids are doing crime and I respect Kyle more because of it.
Cart Man is being tried for a hate crime because he threw rocks at Token and while I’m glad he’s finally being taken to juvenile hall I’m worried that This Is A Commentary On Things
“Cartman why did you have to commit a hate crime we’re gonna lose to a bunch of girls!”
“Aren’t all crimes hate crimes?”

Oh dear. That’s where it came from.
Jodie is showing me the episode where they do Great Expectations. I appreciate that Malcolm McDowell is here.
It’s like watching the David Lean movie if everyone was doing Monty Python voices.
I can tell why the show’s regular fans hate this episode. It’s just a pretty straightforward adaptation with some scatological words...

Okay they just gave Estella a seventeen year old boyfriend who has his own car
And Ms Havisham is using a Genesis device to gain eternal youth and just sent robot monkeys to attack Pip okay they just got bored halfway through didn’t they
I think they hate Pip because he lets women treat him poorly and is therefore A Weak Man.

Now we’re watching an episode where the kids try to get diagnosed with ADD to get out of doing homework, one of many episodes where a misunderstood condition is exploited by the children to obtain the perceived advantages of said condition.
They would later do this plot with Asperger’s, Tourette’s, testicular cancer, and of course, being trans. That last one, if I recall, was done because Cartman wanted to use a different restroom.
This episode features a parody of Cirque du Soleil and the amount of times they’ve used the f-slur is bothering me.

It is a non-zero amount of times.
“You see, in America people have it so good that they get bored. And when they get bored, they protest things.”

This episode is entitled “Cartman Joins NAMBLA”
Kyle needed Cartman’s kidney and Cartman refused by singing “no no no no no” to the tune of “Comedy Tonight” and the musical nerd in me felt like I found an oasis in the desert
This episode is about Cart Man starting a boy band and Stanley doesn’t want to be in a “f*ggy” boy band and now I can’t enjoy anything else
They just made a joke about how all the girls go crazy for Matt Lauer and I wow
“I’m gonna fingerbang-bang you into my life!”

I’ll admit, it’s a bop
This episode is about Satan’s relationship with Saddam Hussein and how was this joke ever funny.
Ha ha gay sex is funny especially with Satan and a dictator that we overthrew to exploit the natural resources in his country ha ha
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