I’m so done with this fandom. Listen up right now wether your and OT5, OT4, Larry, Narry , LILO, Zarry , just a directioner, solo Stan, anti, just a fan or whatever else ,listen up right now and open this thread.
This Fandom sucks. We are so divided look how many categories we have and we all know that barely any of them manage to get along. We complain when people outside the fandoms attack us and though it’s not nice they should be the only people attacking us.
How are we supposed to support any of the boys if we can’t even be on the same TL for five minutes without a mini war breaking out? How can we even begin to continue to support the bands music and continue to support ALL the boys solo music.
If you feel like one of the boys isn’t getting celebrated on a day do something good about it instead of attacking people, create a nice thread about that boy ,small or big things that don’t include attacking someone.
If you don’t have the same beliefs as someone just ignore them and scroll. Some peoples minds you just can’t change and that’s okay. We have to be United as a fandom or else we won’t exist. We need to remember we’re all supporting the same band, whether it’s as solo artists or as
The bands music. You don’t need to attack someone. You can just scroll. You don’t need to tell someone their delusional, you can just roll your eyes and scroll. You don’t need to use slurs on someone or the boys, you can just scroll. This isn’t Face to face. You don’t have to-
Argue. You can just scroll. Wouldn’t the boys be happier if we were a peaceful and caring fandom that supported every person in it for what they believe and who they are?Make a change, start scrolling
Its all the same music at the end of the day and that’s what’s important. And do NOT gatekeep from anyone especially younger directioners because how old where most of us when we became fans? Exactly. It’s okay to spread the love. We want people in this fandom because the boys
Deserve all the recognition and love they can get. They are all our worlds whether it’s together or as solo artists or individuals. Please try to be part of the change. You are loved and needed.
Let’s make the change, together.
You can follow @darcie_coventry.
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