How are there still so many webinars, panels, lectures, special journal editions, etc. still happening in a pandemic? Do scholars really have that much bandwidth right now? I don't get it. Can people take a chill pill & can we shift to just trying to collectively survive?
Perhaps if we all start saying NO to things then a universal chill will sweep across academia giving us all some grace so we can focus on STAYING ALIVE. I feel like I'm sprinting to keep up & that's with turning down 90% of the things that I'm asked to do. I can't even.
Of course that will never happen. We also know this will drive many of us (e.g. caregivers, women, POC, 1st gen, & other marginalized ppl) who have to sprint in the best of times to keep going faster & harder until we collapse. Please remember we have to rest to survive this.
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