How Trump's @WhiteHouse statement on Columbus Day, is more revisionist than the revisionists they fear, a thread:
"Today, we celebrate Columbus Day to commemorate the great Italian who opened a new chapter in world history and to appreciate his enduring significance to the Western Hemisphere."
1. Italy was not a unified country until 1946. Columbus was not Italian.
"As a native of Genoa, Columbus inspired early immigrants to carry forth their rich Italian heritage to the New World."
2. Nor was Columbus an immigrant. He had a contract with the Spanish crown to find India, and he died thinking that he had found India.
"Sadly, in recent years, radical activists have sought to undermine Christopher Columbus’s legacy."
3. Note how the affirmative statement admits no historical interpretation. CC's legacy either is, or isn't. There is no wiggle room here.
"These extremists seek to replace discussion of his vast contributions with talk of failings, his discoveries with atrocities, and his achievements with transgressions."
4. WHOOOAAAAHHHHH. Since when is historical interpretation the same as "extremism"?
"Rather than learn from our history, this radical ideology and its adherents seek to revise it, deprive it of any splendor, and mark it as inherently sinister."
5. Notice how there is, again, only one version of history here: "our".
Bonus: "splendor" is no longer subjective?
"We must not give in to these tactics or consent to such a bleak view of our history."
6. TBH, genocide is bleak. But I get how claiming ownership over history is easier than admitting to the bleakness of white supremacy. SO BLEAK.
"On this Columbus Day, we embrace the same optimism that led Christopher Columbus to discover the New World."
7. LOL, it was Vespucci who called it the new world, not Columbus. CC had no idea it was "new". (it isn't new and he didn't discover it).
"We inherit that optimism, along with the legacy of American heroes who blazed the trails, settled a continent, tamed the wilderness, and built the single-greatest nation the world has ever seen."
8. Columbus wasn't optimistic. He was scared for his life.
9. And about that settling of a continent, and taming of the wilderness, and greates-ever-nation business. WOW. WOWWWWWWW. WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW.
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