Here is a interesting take from yours truly(me :3) delivered via a long thread: due to the fact our brains constantly want to survive, we have developed our cultures in the way we have in part due to that urge to survive.. Clothing was made to keep humans warm and has become a
cultural statement through much of human history! We need food for energy so we can actually live, food is another important element of culture! What am I getting at? What I am to say is as controversial as wearing Black Metal corpse paint in public with outfits included or maybe
even Rammstein.. Around the 1940s was when the first disposable diapers were invented and nowadays, people mainly the elderly, those with incontinence issues, and infants are the ones who wear diapers in general.. With 200-400 million people having incontinence issues(I know,
that's a lot, I was incredulous when I first heard that fact), the human brain being capable of having many likings at the same time, and other factors such as there are people who enjoy something more then most people(case in point: furries such as myself being huge fans of
anthro animals), it should be no wonder a significant number of people enjoy wearing diapers! I'm one of those who actually has an interest in wearing diapers even though my bladder and all are perfectly okay: the brain seeks pleasure and for some reason during the neurological
development of my brain thus far, diapers became a secret interest hidden in my subconscious for who knows how long until last year(unless it managed to develop really fast from zero last year)! My earliest memory is wearing a diaper and needing it changed when I was much closer
to being new blood, my brain just considered that memory so important, honestly dunno why.. I have a feeling of comfort and safety when I think about wearing diapers in the future, I already sleep with plushies every night so it isn't too far of a stretch unlike long furby.. The
interest has been around for long enough when it comes to me being aware of it that I can't just get therapy for it and expect it to work, I wouldn't even want therapy for that anyway.. Therapy doesn't really work when it's unwilling so.. I wish the populace would understand
people like me with that interest more.. Trying to get rid of the interest is like throwing a body part into lava, it'd be slaughtering a part of myself just to make people be more satisfied with who I am.. Before anyone mentions the waste generated by diapers, I would like to
say there are cloth diapers which are reusable just like underwear! I had a pretty happy childhood but experienced things like being very very shy to the point I was definitely not a talker and I was frankly far more insecure then I am now(insecurities still exist within my mind)
I want to be able to experience the innocent happiness fully again so I also find age regression appealing to go along with that! Does this hurt anyone? No as far as I know, but, if for some reason it does, I would like to know why right away! I've literally been afraid of
expressing my interest in diapers for fear of ridicule which I've gotten a small amount of this year (could probably be condensed into a 5-10 minute video in theory).. If you have a problem with someone having an interest in diapers, you almost definitely just don't understand
the interest at all like with anyone else who disapproves of someone else’s interest(s) in some capacity.. My interest in diapers is not getting in the way of my life, people’s negative or super creepy(or deceptive) supportive reactions to it does get in the way at times instead
So what if someone wants to spend an hour a day age regressed and spend a good portion of time in diapers, capitalism may have serious problems, but, it cannot prohibit such.. I have a bunch of other interests, I'm not gonna just live my life working for cash and then also just
have fun as a age regressed human being who wears diapers: I'm gonna continue a lot of what I do now(though YouTube will be further scaled back for sure)! With the diaper rashes, I'm not gonna be wearing disposable diapers every second I can so that's not gonna be too problematic
thinking of spending most time in cloth diapers anyway(discreetly so in public and while out in public I will only use them for bladder and butt relief if it's an extreme emergency where I can't get to the bathroom before kaboom)! I am me and I like diapers even though I'm not
gonna be wearing any for who knows how long, but, I can absolutely fricking wait to start wearing them(the human imagination is powerful and is quite satisfying and occupying)! Age regression and diapers tend to be some sort of coping method and as other people have pointed out
in the past, better wearing diapers then getting drunk on alcohol to the point your sense of judgement is gone, taking drugs, or smoking! I really enjoy lab safety units of all things, people can give me a break because that's kinda wack too! And let me be clear, I don't partake
in the adult areas related to age regression and diapers for I am a minor and I really don't like getting in trouble/making a big mistake that actually isn't okay.. This thread is longer then a lot of my YouTube video scripts, I'm going to leave it here! Please do the necessary
research(THE SFW SIDE OKAY) if you don't understand these kind of interests, I beg of thee.. Seriously, get comfortable with the interest existing.. It's not gonna start a fire or anything
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