Wasn't sure I was ever going to do this, but I've been inspired

Today I would like to share something that I have NEVER shared with anyone before, Something I have been struggling with, and until recently hadn't even truly accepted myself. I am Demisexual #NationalComingOutDay
I always knew I was Straight, but something was always off about the way I thought about those I liked, I was never interested in sex, I just wanted to be closer with them in general. I knew this wasn't the "normal" way of thinking, and I certainly didn't know what to make of it.
Others however thought they did, they believed I was G*y, and just afraid to come out. This somehow got around until the entire High School believed it. Thankfully I was never teased or anything, but it was not fun having everyone I knew think I was something that I knew I wasn't
I never got any closer to being comfortable with with the way I felt until recently, when I finally got a name, a label to put on it: Demisexual. (Shout-out to @Ashlinaa for talking so openly about it on stream) I still wasn't comfortable with it though, I'm still not fully there
My journey still feels like it has only just begun, I've been stuck on the actually coming out part, but now that I have, this thread can serve as my big jump-start into truly beginning that journey.

(Shout-out to @SoftyDraws for unintentionally inspiring me to actually do this)
I feel like there are so many more thoughts, so much more to say, more people to thank. But I'm at a complete loss for words now. ( And don't want to make a 7th post)

I only hope that others can find it in them to free themselves, like I just did.

#NationalComingOutDay #LGBTQ
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