Addressing ignorant people spreading lies about the HISTORIC BLEXIT rally (thread)
Just because you got a flight and a hotel room does not mean you got paid as in, this is a job whether employee or contract work. What type of job pays your way but pays no wages?
If a company offers me out on a speaking gig but they just pay my way out there and thats it, that is not a speaking gig. At that point I would be volunteering my services. And that's fine but call it what it is
Some say the trip to DC would be payment enough for someone. To do what? Go to all the closed museums? And if the DC trip is enough, why did they attend the BLEXIT speaking event, and the White House event, and the DC March? There was no way to enforce attendance!
Most of the people have been to other conservative rallies and marches in their own hometown. There are nationwide BLEXIT chapters. Volunteer work. There are also LEXIT, JEXIT, Black Voices for Trump, WalkAway, and more organizations out there that we all support
Someone told me the media said the attendance was about 500? 🤣🤣🤣 Try two thousand! There were so many people there that I didn't know some friends of mine were there until afterward!
Then there is the alleged Hatch Act violation? Our event at the White House was not a rally. We had that before and after the White House. Trump spoke for 15 minutes. If that same space was occupied by megadonors or more mundane organizations then nobody would care
I've been to the White House every year for a similar event. A racist white liberal by the name of Nicolle Wallace said we disgraced the East Room because we were too rowdy. They're doing the same thing this time. Never for any other routine White House event! Voter intimidation
Lastly, some people said the march was unsafe. Not true. Police had streets blocked off, police were with us, we had escort, security, and two thousand people! Nothing but the occasional heckler, enough to count on one hand!
Some people from the DC event were harassed in *after* the event, but what big liberal city doesn't have that issue right now? Who's to blame for that? 🤔
The event was great and the people there were greater! We will do it again and the haters can't stop it! #BLEXIT
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