1/7) I think this is a good representation of how I feel. This is the bisexual flag over the oriented aropace flag.

It took me a long time to understand that this is a part of my identity. I dont feel attraction, really ever, towards anyone any matter
2) explaining this in a thread because I do get a lot of questions time to time ( I DONT MIND I AM A CHATTERBOX ASK ME ANYTHING PLZ. IT IS HARD TO OFFEND ME).

I dont really get feelings for people personally unless its family or platonically. I have had crushes but they often
3) dissipate quickly or I even lose interest in knowing someone likes me back. I dont see sex as anything important or exciting in any way, and I still havent even had my first kiss at 21.

What confuses people is my characters and preferences in stories is entirely different
4) I love romance and relationships and stuff like that. But for me personally, it's very hard to imagine.

I'm not saying it wont, but it's something that isnt right for me yet.
But I do know I am bi. I know that if I do have a relationship one day it wont matter really with who
5) I'm still learning a lot about myself and about other identities so correct me, and dont be afraid to, if I ever get anything wrong. I'm sorry if I ever to or have. I used to avoid this topic, I was afraid of labels and giving myself one but now I understand the importance
6) it has and especially to other people in this day and age when everyone is basically a screen with words haha

If anyone has any questions dont be afraid to ask me in this thread! I am happy to answer, although know that I am especially in the grey area of things and
and I cant answer everyone with an answer that will be the same as someone else who uses the same flags.

Still though, dont be afraid to ask me anything. These questions are also allowed to be what may be considered personal. I'm chill
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