a thread of trump being disgusting❤️

-1973 sued for refusing to rent properties to people of color

-1976 sued again ^^^^

-1989 took out full-page newspaper ads calling for the death penalty of the Central Park Five: group of black/lantino teens wrongly accused of raping a white woman
-2016 after had been proven innocent ^^^^^ he stated he still believed they were guilty

-"When Donald and Ivanka come into the casino, they would order all black people off the floor ... they put us all in the back" (Kip Brown 2015)
-"Laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is , I believe its not anything they can control" (Trump 1991)

-Demanded his black accountant be fired because he was black .

-He tweeted that AOC, Ayanna Pressley, Lihan Omar, and Rashida Tliab should "go back to their own country
-March 8, 2020 he tweeted "Why cant Mexicans be more like the Asians ? Less rape , more computers !"

-called black protesters "thugs" but white supremacists "great people"

-"look at my african american over here!"

-"im against gay marriage"

-banned transgender from military

-legalized the law stating that if doctors believe a person is part of the LGBT+ community, the doctors can deny access to help them
-attempted to ban same sex marriage

-gay males cant donate blood

-"she has a great body, ive said that if Ivanka werent my daughter, perhaps id be dating her"

-43 sexual assult allegations

-"when youre a star they let you do it. grab em by the pussy, you can do anything"
-"blood coming out of her... wherever"

-talked about Lindsey Lohan, who was 18 at the time (2004) "ive seen a closeup of her chest" claimed that the troubled ones/daddy issues are "best in bed"
EXTRAS (ft sexism)

-"i could stand right in the middle of fifth avenue and shoot somebody, and i wouldn't loose any voters"

-a female reporter raises her hand to have her question answered. trump responds "shes shocked i picked her" "its ok you dont think, you never do"
-"women; you have to treat them like sh*t"

-"george is looking down righy now and saying 'its a great thing that happened to our country'" (talking about the death of george floyd)

-said women should be punished for having abortions
-has CHILDREN in cages at the border

-"a person whos flat chested, is very hard to be a 10"

-close relationships with jeffery epstien

-he tweeted "i have never seen a thin person drinking Diet Coke"
if i see ONE fake news comment i stfg you can look it up. theres proof and VIDEO EVIDENCE . thanks🥰
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