What a college student thinks Admin says: "We expect you to comply, and we expect it to be understood that you have no rights and will not push back. You're diseased, and you need to cover your disgusting faces. If you disagree, we'll tell you how selfish and horrible you are..."
"and we'll expect you to believe us. You are less competent than children, and you need us to tell you how to live and what to believe and who to associate with. If you're white, you're racist, and you need to feel guilt and make pledges to accept our re-education...
"Our acceptance of you is contingent on you agreeing that you are evil and complying with the shame we want to heap onto you in public. Anyone who dares to reject their assigned shame will be made an example of...
"If you're not white, you're a victim, and you need to accept your victim status without questioning it. We will claim to be on your side while telling you that it's inherently more difficult for you to succeed, teaching you to accept mediocrity because
"deep down we don't actually believe you can rise above mediocrity, and teaching you that people who could have helped you are your enemy. We also think you're all vindictive and bigoted and want to see other people torn down for the color of skin they were born with,
"and we expect you to thank us for thinking this way about you.
If you're a man, we hate you. We expect you to do everything we ask anyway, of course. If you do, we'll still hate you. But if you don't, we'll hate you even more. In fact, we might do everything in our power to
"make sure you can't earn a living. We might even look the other way as you're insulted and beaten by other people who also hate you (because we told them to hate you). Why? Because other men did bad things at some point, some of them long, long before you were born- but it's
"still your fault. You see, the curriculum we assembled for our history classes will tell you so.
If you're a WHITE man, we are making such an incredible allowance for you by allowing you to come onto our campus, pay us lots of money and follow our asinine rules.
"We hope you're grateful, and we expect the appropriate level of submission.
If you're a woman, we will tell you how much we're on your side while really doing nothing for you- except, of course, helpfully telling you to scorn your brothers and your fathers.
"You don't need your family, you know. You only need us. We know what's best for you. We expect you to believe that the men who worked their whole lives to support you mean nothing, that they secretly hate you. You have us now. Now cover your faces, and get this vaccine
"that may cripple you for life- it may render you infertile, too, but that's just a bonus, because you definitely don't ever want to be a mother, that's why we're working so hard to legalize infanticide for you. We hope you're grateful.
"You can't trust any men who reject our hatred of them, by the way- that's not self-respect, it's obviously sexism. You can only trust the guys who are good feminist allies. Any creepy rapist vibes you get from those soyboys are a sign that you're not feminist enough and in fact
"you are secretly sexist against yourself. (Remember to vote for Biden.)
By the way, we are so pro-woman that we do not recognize the biological differences you have that make it hard for you to do things men can do. We will tell you you are better than men
"and insult every man you love, but if you can't do exactly what men can do you're actually inferior and if you mention biology, we have a convenient word for that. It's TERF. It means that you're bad and you go into the trash heap with the men.
"It's a convenient way to stop supporting you when it becomes inconvenient. If you're white, it's even easier to stop supporting you when you become inconvenient.
However, no matter your race or sex, you're all really the same deep down. You're all impressionable young people-
"which means you're less than human. We will teach you lies and you will accept them as truth. You will go along with our plans and accept your place in them. We don't care about your health. We don't even care about your education in the way people typically think of education-
"we just want you to be 'educated' in whatever way will lead you to be the most compliant.
We think you're too stupid to notice that we're saying we care while actively working against your best interests, and we expect you to pay us thousands of dollars a year for the privilege
"of being our pawn. If you don't agree, we will take away your chance at earning a living, and we will tell you it's your own fault for being such a miserable, wretched, unkind, problematic person."

At the end is a cheer chant that I can't publish because it would reveal school-
Sent to me in my email from a 4.0 college student in a STEM field.

This is how young people think this world sees them. And they are right.
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/end thread/
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