btw in case anyone isn't educated on the differences between neurotypical, neuroatypical, and neurodivergent and are now learning these terms through the recent day6 jae incident here are the differences!
Neuroatypical: an umbrella term inclusive of ppl w/ mental and behavioral disorders, such as mood, anxiety, dissociative, psychotic, personality, and eating disorders (also can be described as mental illnesses) depression + anxiety fall in this for instance. +
Neurodivergent: people with neurological disorders that make them academically disabled (or behaviorally or socially) like, ADHD, ADD, Autism, Down Syndrome, Dyspraxia, Dyslexia, Tourette Syndrome, OCD, etc.

Neurotypical: neither neuroatypical nor neurodivergent
So when Jae tried to justify the ableism in his tone by qrting the fan who explained they are neurodivergent therefore can't understand sarcasm, it still was not appropriate as he said he has "adhd and social anxiety" so it COULD be implied as
"well I have a ND condition and I understand sarcasm, why don't you?" It misses the mark as the neurodivergence experience is NOT UNIVERSAL!!!! you can be ND while understanding sarcasm, but you can also be ND and not understand it!
His statement is also inaccurate as he included social anxiety in the neurodivergent spectrum when it isn't it's only under neuroatypical!!
Now instead of apologizing he is keeping the tweets up, letting his followers dogpile a ND fan because of a misunderstanding in tone and he decides to be snarky and wants to "move on" from the situation + makes a HORRIBLE tweet talking about "cancel trains"????
Very odd and his fans just want to educate him :/ he is acting incredibly foolish and should know better but alas he didn't learn from the situation of the 13 year old fan and the roblox meme so he probably won't with this one
to all the neurodivergent people hurt right now always remember this!! ❤️❤️
In case you may be wondering if ableism can apply to those who are neuroatypical; in short the answer is YES it does - More here!
Great addition!
Here are some tone indicator examples to use when talking to those who may misread tone!!
For instance, if I can't read someone's sarcasm if they put /s after their message it would be very helpful !
If any of y'all like visual graphs here is one that is typically used to explain the neurodivergent spectrum!
cw jae //

It has come to my attention that jae has apologized and deleted his tweets. This is a reminder that it is not your apology to accept if you're not neurodivergent! Only those who are neurodivergent can accept this or not! /srs
also don't judge neurodivergent people who forgive him! don't judge those who don't forgive him!! this is up to them for how they want to react. please be respectful. thank you
Since the tweets have been deleted, a lot of this thread is confusing without context! Here are screenshots!
The first tweet -> A fan replied "I'm neurodivergent" in response + his QRT -> his vague tweet in reaction to ppl trying to tell him that was disrespect -> another QRT
Let me just say something about the term neuroatypical!! It's fairly new! Only a year or a couple years old I believe? So it's why you won't find enough information about when searching for more resources! +
I believe it was coined due to those with mood disorders / mental illnesses / dissociative / etc conditions not being able to relate to those who are neurotypical that don't live life with mental disorders! But since we don't have neurological disorders we aren't neurodivergent!
so this is why the term helps us find like-minded people like us that are neither neurotypical nor neurodivergent! <3 Hope that clears some of that up so yes it's okay to not know the term, it's newer than the other two terms!!
I have gotten some replies asking why isn't anxiety included in neurodivergent and here is a short explanation as to why: Neurodivergence has to do with how your brain is wired, basically your neurological structure and how you process the world, while anxiety is caused by +
chemical imbalances (not structure) and has to do with the symptoms. You can be both neurodivergent and neuroatypical, for example you could have ADHD and anxiety, but one of those is ND and one of those is NA (Neuroatypical)!!
(thankyou @lesbian_ocean for helping with wording!)
UPDATE: Anxiety is no longer considered a chemical imbalance!! Science is changing it's terms through more research daily!! Thank you to @r0cketpeach theyre more accurate than what's above!
If you want to learn more about why we are viewing anxiety differently this resource goes into great depths!
This might be my last addition as I have muted notifications as I am getting very overwhelmed! Many are asking for resources and I find carrds help me a lot! Here is an overall ND carrd + common questions! 
+a thread of more carrds!
You can follow @vivisbom.
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