For every like I’ll tweet something awful my dad said at lunch today
Being gay is a choice -dad
Just like someone can decide not to date me because I’m bald, someone can decide not to hire a Black person because they don’t like their culture -dad
Capitalism is great -dad
Socialism is when you have a few people in a small government harshly controlling all the people -dad
I worked two full time jobs, sometimes three, to pay my bills. Why can’t these people do that now? -dad
Minimum wage jobs aren’t meant to give people enough money to live -dad
Either you work for insurance or you get private insurance. No one should be given healthcare -dad
Homeless people are only homeless because they did drugs. ALL of them made themselves homeless -dad
[redacted] is a lesbian and she started her own company and makes a lot of money. I don’t see any discrimination happening there -dad
If you don’t like how people in utah believe and act, then just leave -dad
Illegal immigrants are taking all the jobs -dad
It doesn’t take very long for immigrants to become American citizens -dad
We need to screen immigrants and only let the ones in to be citizens that have trade skills already -dad
The green new deal is going to completely stop all production until it’s clean for the earth -dad
AOC ruined New York -dad
Trump doesn’t hate gay people. He’s hired some for his businesses! -dad
We need to take away all welfare programs and put the money into the economy -dad
If people start enforcing socialism I’ll be the first one on the front lines shooting them all in the face -dad
The KKK doesn’t support Trump -dad
Women are always looking for handouts -dad
Wind turbines cause seismic activity -dad
Let’s just say, hypothetically, -dad
Believe it or not, Black people were actually equal 20 years ago -dad
A family must have a father and a mother for it to work -dad
Children of gay couples get messed up -dad
Your friend has directly benefited from capitalism so she can’t speak out about it -dad
But why can’t corporation owners make billions if they’re the ones who put in the work? -dad
Amazon drivers make like $25 an hour in washington! They’re not exploited! -dad
When children don’t have a father figure they do drugs -dad
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