*Yawn* 🥱
Call me when it’s Hatshepsut or Nefertari or Nzinga or a Candace of Meroe or literally any other African Queen. https://twitter.com/DiscussingFilm/status/1315316493006102530
Hatshepsut - ruled Egypt c. 1479 – 1458 BC. Took the religious ideology back to a female godhead to show the legitimacy of her authority. Eventually declared herself a man and ruled as Pharoah. Most prolific builder of architecture in ancient Egypt. And she had many lovers.
Nefertari, the Great Royal Wife of Rameses II. Unusually educated for a woman of her time, she could read & write in hieroglyphics. Bc of this, she aided the King in diplomacy. He had a temple built in her honor and she has the largest and most elaborate tomb in Valley of Queens.
Amanirenas, Queen of Kush aka Queen Candace of Ethiopia, reigned c. 40–10 BC. She led her people in a 5 year battle against the Romans in Egypt. She is one of eight Kentakes (Candaces) of Ethiopia (one of whom is mentioned in the New Testament) and they are all fierce af.
Nzinga (1583-1663) - Queen of Angola, brokered peace treaty with Portuguese to keep her people from slave trade. Portuguese broke treaty, so she allied w Dutch and literally led her people into battle as a warrior Queen. She carved out an independent state protected from slavery.
Whenever you are ready Hollywood.
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