here's my final word on this re cars: you don't have to carry your car down the fucking stairs. the cargo ebike only works if you live in a building with parking, a huge elevator or on the ground floor, or a SFH. sorry but half of that is also not ideal urbanistically
in a city like chicago where even ground floor units have stairs bc raised basements, sorry but you're not getting a bakfiet out of the house without a serious struggle
you see the difference b/wn america & the netherlands is that the netherlands has a high standard of living where people can afford such things & the infrastructure to support their use. in america you have to fit into a very narrow architectural and economic niche to justify it
all of this is just to say and literally nothing else other than this: if you point your finger at roadies having a nice afternoon on cervelos and you ride a $5000 ebike maybe just take the L on calling someone else rich and a snob
that's it!! that's literally all i want to say!! there is literally no moral superiority in doing one type of cycling over the other!!!! stop acting like there is because guess what - your shit's flawed too!!!
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