The fun thing about the intersection of my OCD and my sexuality is that my OCD is grounded in a lot of binary thinking and my sexuality is ... not. #NationalComingOutDay 1/x
I couldn't figure out what my crushes on girls meant and they made me anxious because I VERY MUCH SO liked boys. And if I liked boys, then I wasn't gay, so I must be straight and just have "girl crushes" #NationalComingOutDay 2/x
I didn't "come out" until I was 20 and straight up dating a woman and everyone in my life hit me with the "well, WHAT are you??" and I was like well rumor has it I'm bisexual!! #NationalComingOutDay 3/x
But that kind of sucks! Because I didn't get to own my story and I came out to get people to stop asking questions about me. #NationalComingOutDay 4/x
This is why I'm really annoying every Sept 23rd because if I had just SEEN a bisexual woman living her damn life - maybe I would have come out sooner, maybe my OCD brain wouldn't swing between worrying I'm secretly totally gay or totally straight. #NationalComingOutDay 5/x
Anyway - no one asked for this thread so I'm gonna cut it short and just say that you are wonderfully made, whether you are out or not. Happy #NationalComingOutDay 6/6
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