Seriously, @kaitlancollins - you guys need to address this both with history and with recent events. GOP has packed the court: Refusing to consider confirming a dem nominee, rushing through a GOP. There was LESS coverage when GOP said they'd never confirm an Hilary nominee.../1
..once GOP started rushing the latest nominee - in total violation of their Garland "rule" - it was clear this was not principle in 2016, it was packing. So, the only words from BIden that matter, @kaitlancollins is AFTER the GOP packing became undeniable recently. Second, it...2
...would be reckless just to say "I'm packing it." Alito and Thomas have shown themselves to be nothing but lifetime senators. Their findings never waiver from GOP policy positions, even if they contradict the standards of their own previous rulings. This is not true yet of...
...Roberts, Gorsuch or Kavenaugh (at least not 100% of the time, unlike Alito and Thomas.) If this packing by the GOP results in 3 justices that engage in tortured, reversible logic to advance GOP policies, then yes @kaitlancollins, there should be a massive reform of SCOTUS....
...may or may not constitute packing. For example, @kaitlancollins, the best policy suggestion is making SCOTUS like lower appeals courts: 27 justices, with cases assigned arbitrarily to 9, with precedent reversals going up to the 27. Allow GOP to put up 13, dems put up 13...
...and mutually agree on one. Is that packing? No, it's unpacking. So asking Biden to commit one way or the other is intellectually disingenuous, @kaitlancollins. The issue is not even in play yet, and the best answer may not be packing. But if we end up with a lifetime...
...senate doing nothing but supporting pure GOP policies, then yes, something must be done.
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