Some people completely miss the point with Catra’s dialogue in Promise for one Catra didn’t always harbor "hatred" towards Adora nor blamed her for anything
The events in the Crystal castle is what warps her perception completely 1/1
#Shera #spop
she comes to the false realization that it had been Adora who caused her suffering And that is where she starts to point fingers “You know it all makes sense now” meaning she just realized this now.“You were always the one holding me back,you wanted me to feel weak.. Etc” 2/2
When we all know who actually installed this sense of inferiority in Catra from an early age on. Another thing that supports this fact is shown where she helps Adora & Glimmer escape Catra’s urge to triumph isn’t necessarily directed at Adora (at first) 3/3
Why else would she give her the sword back? If she hated Adora so much or wanted to beat her she would do anything to prevent her from succeeding but here she helps her succeed despite it being risky. 4/4
Here were shown glimpses of her love language peeking trough, obviously she can't be vocal about them because her upbringing forbid her from showing any vulnerability
It's After Ep 11 that she becomes personality set on toppling bright moon wanting to defeat Adora along side with the rest I don’t get where people get this idea that Catra hated her when these two were pretty much attached to the hip to the point of sleeping in the same bed?5/5
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