If only ~10% of efforts (money, intelligencia etc) was used against any other ideology/religion as has been used against Islam, it would have been wiped away from the face of this earth.
#China #France #Emannuaacron
Remember for ~ 100 yrs Azaan, Arabic, Veil was banned in Turkey.
Ataturk wanted extricate religion from Turkish society.

Islamic education was banned in public schools. All religious schools were closed. Shariah was replaced with adapted legal codes imported from Europe. All judges of Islamic law were fired, all Shariah courts closed.
By 1928, the Grand National Assembly deleted the clause that Islam as the official religion. Islam was not only removed from the government and politics, but secularist ideologies began to interfere with the lives and religious freedoms of the Turkish people.
The calendar was officially changed from Islamic calendar, to the Gregorian calendar.
Arabic script was replaced with the Latin alphabet. Losing Arabic language meant it would be very difficult for them to read and understand Al Quran
In 1932, even the adhan, the call to prayer, was outlawed in Arabic and mosques were ordered to rewrite and announce the call to prayer in the Turkish language.
Friday, which for the entire Islamic history had been the day to rest for Muslims, was no longer considered part of the weekend. Now, Turkey, like Europe, designated Saturday and Sunday as the official off-work days
The government officials dictated that religious dress should not be worn. The fez (traditional Turkish turban) was banned for men and the veil and hijab (headscarf) was discouraged and restricted. The hijab was ridiculed and prohibited in public buildings.
Such were the efforts for close to 100 years. But Islam rebounced. Verily we learn from history. It is noy zislam but we Muslims who are in danger if we leave Islam.

China, France...are trying too...
This should give us courage.
حَسْبُنَا اللَّهُ وَنِعْمَ الْوَكِيلُ (3:173)
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