Just rewatch immortial songs GOD. The lyrics are so beautiful.

Mother: reminder for us to be grateful towards our parents.
One candle: reminder that we have someone beside us.
Road: The feeling uncertainty about the way we live this life.
One of the reason, i think people like idol, they feel they have someone beside them. Yes, eventho the idol don't know them. Ofcourse as a muslim, we always have Allah and Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. but to have someone beside us like human someone alive really means something.
Extra support. So why not kan. Jangan la sampai puja. Aiyo. More towards rasa macam kawan.

Lol this thread macam how i justify why we become fans.
My fav korean songs mostly old one.From 90's and 20's somethings. For now, i just hear new song from selected singer. The era have change and I feel i'm too old for this new era. Rasa macam tengok adik adik je yang buat show the music bank.
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