My MAGA neighbor came onto my property, cut the chain on my gate, pulled the gate off the hinges, drove his truck directly at me & told me I’d meet maker soon —on video I called the local sheriff who came &told me they’d look into it. They didn’t search his car and let him go.
I asked them what to do if this happens again after they leave and they told me to call the state police. 😳
There were three sheriffs who showed up. One left. The two remaining didn’t even ask him to get out of his car until I kept asking them to. They didn’t search him. They were just having really nice conversations. They did nothing. Told me they had to email someone first.
This has been quite tweeted by MAGA and there have been some nasty comments by them. Makes me reluctant to post where I live or any other identifying info. If you seen a comment please screenshot and send to me.
Quote not quite. 🙄
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