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1) The nonpartisan mapmaker applies to the Auditor's office for the job. The final candidate is selected by the state Senate majority and minority leader together. If they can't agree, the mapmaker is chosen by lottery from the qualified candidates.

2) The mapmaker makes the first draft of the map. The map then goes to a bipartisan commission for changes.

3) This process was recently proposed, voted on, and approved by the public. We voted for Clean Missouri in 2018 by a huge margin.

Amendment 3, on the other hand...

Amendment 3 was proposed by state legislators hoping to prevent a nonpartisan demographer from drawing competitive, fair districts that don't guarantee those in power stay in power.

Amendment 3 hides a lot of other changes too.

Amendment 3 would make Missouri the first state to stop counting children for redistricting. Not only would children no longer be represented, but that means that many counties - rural, urban, and suburban; Democrat and Republican - would lose seats in state government.

Amendment 3 would have a big impact on minority representation too. White representation would decrease by 21%, but black representation would decrease by at least 28%, and Asian and Hispanic representation would decrease by 54%.

Amendment 3 would make it much harder for Missourians to challenge unfairly drawn maps. And it allows politicians to draw extremely gerrymandered maps to favor themselves.

The chair of the committee that approved Amendment 3 admitted that passing Amendment 3 was a bad idea and that it contained legal errors, opening Missouri up to lawsuits.

That means taxpayer money going out the window.

See for yourself:

Amendment 3 is a politician-pushed initiative designed to reverse the election reforms approved by We the People.

#DrainTheSwamp in Jefferson City.

Vote No on Amendment 3.

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