Look. Here’s how you do this:

“The Republican Party is rushing to establish a Supreme Court whose base views will be wildly out of alignment with the views of American voters on key issues by overriding the opinions of those voters to get it done before the election...
... This is the next step in a decades-long strategy by the GOP to control, manipulate, and subvert institutions and processes that will give them disproportionate influence to their percentage of support in America. We know this can’t be how our democracy works...
...I won’t apologize for defending the idea that the vote of every American should count a much as the vote of every other American. There are a lot of things we need to do to ensure this ideal. In the coming decades, we will face unparalleled, accelerated change ...
...in every aspect of American life. We can’t be looking backward and remain competitive and survive.”

Just say that over and over.
You can follow @MollyMcKew.
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