Remember my grandad (age nearly 100) who learned to video call? Anyway he and I just had a long discussion about racism (via video), he is the most anti-racist person I know. This is a story from 1939....

*a thread
He was telling me about the war when he was in South Africa, and later Egypt, and the American soldiers and South African army would segregate people according to skin colour. Anyway, the black soldiers in my grandad's group were banned from entering the mess tent to eat.
They had all grown up together in Manchester, UK. He said
"If my mates can't eat here, then none of us are"
and the whole platoon just walked out of the mess tent together, arm in arm.
The lot of them cooked and ate every single meal outside so their black and white friends could all eat together.

Moral of this story? Fuck racism.
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