we all need to come together on bb twitter and ROOT FOR CODY. hear me out. a short thread #BB22
so, this season we NEVER get what we want. this is obvious, but might not fully convince you. let me show you a few examples that we always get the opposite of what we want.
example 1) last week, twitter rooted for tyler. who got out? tyler. when the majority was rooting for him he was evicted. this week nicole was the one person nobody wanted to win hoh and who tf won? but there’s more.
example 2) da’vonne winning veto? y’all remember that? well, on bb updates poll, TYLER WAS VOTED BY THE MAJORITY TO WIN. AND WHO TF WON? NOT TYLER. the one time y’all voted AGAINST day she won veto. i swear this is literal proof the bb gods just do the opposite of what we want
so now what do we do? root for cody to win hoh! hell, root for cody to win the entire game!! vote him on the polls and shit!! it’s the only way he may potentially get out!! we’ve tried EVERYTHING else so it’s worth a shot!! end thread.
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