Why I'm hoping the government announces a two-week half-term circuit-break for schools. A thread. 👇
1. School leaders are exhausted. They have worked tirelessly without the opportunity for a proper break since February. Any chance of a proper break in the summer was upset by changes to government guidance.
2. Exhausted leaders serve their children and communities less well than leaders who are refreshed and focused.
3. Anecdotal evidence suggests the overwhelming pressure leaders are under is leading some to accelerate their departure from the profession and others to postpone seeking the greater responsibility of headship.
4. We therefore risk burnout of leaders in the short-term and a leadership recruitment and retention crisis in the medium term. Neither of these is good for young people and communities who deserve schools with great leaders, not just now but for years to come.
5. Some schools are so wrapped up in the *urgent* of being on the frontline of minimising the spread of coronavirus that they have little time or capacity to focus on the *important* of providing a great education that enables their students to flourish.
6. A proper break would be an opportunity for leaders to recharge, regroup and refocus. This will ultimately serve learners better than continuous education provision.
7. A proper break means no changes to government guidance, DfE taking responsibility for getting food to FSM families, and councils taking responsibility for vulnerable children. It means school leaders being given a well-deserved rest.
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