some utaites/albums/songs i recommend for mave and eu (and anybody else who sees this HAHAH this is my music type):

bunka (album) by eve
go on sou, rib, and eve’s yt channels for covers and songs and stuff
rib’s spotify!! lots of songs there :]
mafumafu, soraru
after the rain (mafumafu and soraru’s unit together!)
urashimasakasen (kinda a band/group thing. members: urata, shima, sakata, senra, and they each have their own channels :] )
amatsuki, shounenT, natsushiro
araki, nqrse (naruse), and meychan!!
nqrse is like the rapper of the utaite community and araki, nqrse, and meychan form aranarumey and they do streams every wednesday!
there’s also un:c and shoose!
AND LAST ONE theres XYZ official channel some of the utaites i mentioned above are part of XYZ and they do collabs
together :]
ANDD last one again but theres mono palette!! theyre smaller and their members are yukimi, rim, again, and sanbu and they do covers but they also have fun content
kinda paranoid on whether i got something wrong so like yeah akdjsjaj theres no need to go through them all at once these are just recommendations you can just come back to this thread!!!!
oh and i forgot to mention. these guys all have youtube channels and theres this jpn app called niconico douga (nnd) and they also post their covers there!

for streams they use an app called twitcasting so yeah just keep these two in mind ^^
mafumafu has great vocals and a strong voice, but he can also change his tone to suit different songs!
(strong voice: “sincerely, on this day the cherry blossoms fall and sway,” “hated by life itself,” “manjushage”)
(softer voice: “watagashi,” “thoughts about us,” “RAIN”)
soraru’s forte is i guess acoustic songs and ballads! lots of those in his channel!! so go check em out :] (“eine kleine,” “old sf movie,” “sugar song and bitter step,” “i thought about dying because/i thought i was going to die”)
mafumafu and soraru are kinda the main and theyre like the only ones i know how to give descriptions for so yeah!!

be sure to listen to the other ones too cause theyre just as good :)))
after the rain are mafumafu and soraru’s joined unit together! they do collabs and stuff and theyre great and theyre even having their own online live soon! (“dusk, mistaking it for a dream,” “blue and gray,” “the miracle of reversals of life’s predicaments”)
ill now be adding songs from my random playlist!! (i might get carried away)

“sincerely, on this day the cherry blossoms fall and sway” by mafumafu
i think the title is “dizzy dizzy”? cover by isubokuro! (uploaded last night actually)
“charles” cover by rib
“warumono” by sou
“lear” by eve x rib
THE SARISHINOHARA TRILOGY COVERED BY RIB!! there are videos with translated subs on youtube. if you want to go on an emotional rollercoaster, listen to these in order
1) “sarishinohara”
2) “yonjuunana”
3) “akaito”
“as you like it” by eve
“fool’s parade” by sou
“unforever” by rib
“dramaturgy” by eve
“princess” by rib
“fake” by eve x sou (from their album “blue”/“ao”)
“harehare ya” cover by sou!
“kegare no uta” cover by sou
“cynical night plan” cover by sou
“yuudachi” by after the rain
“straw” by un:c and shoose (XYZ official channel
“wozwald” covers by sou and miy_yuu
“ikanaide” many covers on youtube! mafumafu, eve, sou, etc
“tiny bunny” cover by sou, original by youまん and sung by vocaloid meika
“thoughts about us” cover by mafumafu
“hyakkiyakou” by mafumafu
“nandemonaiya” cover by soraru
“old SF movie” cover by soraru
“eine kleine” again lots of covers on yt, kenshi yonezu (original?), soraru, mafumafu, etc
“kimi iro utsuri” by mafumafu
“toosenbou” by mafumafu
“hoshi ni negai wo/a wish upon the stars” cover by mafumafu and sakata
“yozakura” cover by mafumafu and
“shinsyun motivation” by 96neko, eve, natsushiro, shounenT, and amatsuki
“wakusei loop” by nayutalien (not an utaite lol)
“renai saiban” cover by sou
“android girl” covered by luz and mafumafu (i didn’t mention luz above but yeah he an utaite too)
“bocca della verita”
lots of covers on youtube, for example 96neko, sou, urata
“pink” by urata
(sexual song) “ifuudoudou” covered by shoose and urata
“orion” by kenshi yonezu covered by mafumafu
“lemon” by kenshi yonezu covered by mafumafu, sou, and maybe some others?
takayan songs! go to him for
some songs about real life stuff. theyre pretty... “edgy” i guess? tw for stuff like self harm , suicide mentions, etc for his songs though
“roki!” covered by mafumafu x soraru and also sou x eve
“fighting summer carnival” by shima and senra from usss!
“tensei wo karu” by shoose
and meychan!
“darling dance” covered by aranarumey

uwaa i DID get carried away but yeah those are the songs straight from my playlist aidjdjaj. i only listed SOME covers so there might be more covers of specific songs i mightve missed. honestly i dont look much i just listen to
what i see aidjdjaj

um yeah this thread became a music dump i hope you dont mind!!! you can like. ask me for more in dms if you want HAHAH

sorry for making this thread long uwa x-x again, hope you enjoy!
“pink” and “ifuudoudou” are sexual/erotic songs just keep in mind sjdjdjjs
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