Eric Trump, on This Week for some reason (he's supposedly an independent businessman), can't understand why the media accurately reports that mass gatherings at the White House have the potential to become superspreader events
Eric Trump says the quiet part loud, admits that his father had a "Trump rally" at the White House
Eric Trump, who is clearly not an expert in these matters, repeatedly claims his father's recovery from coronavirus is a result of "vaccines" his father created, which is false -- he took therapeutic drugs but not vaccines, and certainly has played no direct role in creating them
Eric Trump defends his dad referring to Kamala Harris as "this monster"
Asked about in-depth reporting from the New York Times detailing how his father has done political favors for his paying customers, Eric Trump immediately pivots to whining about how unfairly his dad is supposedly treating. He never addresses the substance of the investigation.
Eric Trump ends his interview on This Week, which did not go well, by refusing to say who his father owes $400 million to. He's probably better off sticking to Fox & Friends.
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